Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fins Up!!

In honor of all you spring breakers, I bring you...JAWS!! Dunna-nana-nana!!! lol  
Just kidding. This one doesn't bite.  He's friendly...(and delicious)!!!
But the rest of them, they'll bite.  So watch those little toes when you're out and about in the ocean.  
Have fun, stay safe and and enjoy the fact that warm weather will soon be upon us! :)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Olivia's 4th Birthday!!!

In honor of my sweet baby girl Olivia's 4th birthday, I set off a princess bomb inside my home.  I had every princess you could think of, every bright color that my baby loves, tiaras, dresses, flowers, tulle, if it was girly it was there.  

When it came time to plan this party there was no question what the theme was going to be.  She was adamant, PRINCESS!  The only question was, WHICH princess??  "All of them" she said, and then walked away. ;)

So I contacted my girl Amanda of Amanda's Parties To Go and asked her if she had any princess collections up her sleeve.  She got to work and came up with the most adorable princess collection. I love how sweet this came out.  Thank you thank you Amanda.  Check out her shop for the set.    Its perfection.

So without further adieu, my baby girl's princess party... 

Sixlets in glass slippers

Chocolate covered Oreos disguised as apples

Chocolate Sea Shells 

The wilting rose in Beauty and the Beast.  Rose lollipops (perfecto!)

Ummmmm, how ADORABLE did these turn out!!! LOVE!!  Snow White and Belle never looked so yummy!!

Upon arrival, each guest was presented with a princess dress (in the event that they forgot their own at home) ;)

Extra jewelry (you can never have too many beads)
And the boys were given knight gear. (so that they could protect the princesses)

Gumpaste princesses...



Guests were sent home with bags full of goodies, as well as jewels from Princess Jasmine and bubbles.

Snow White showed up!!!!!

She painted faces, did balloon animals and a magic show for the children.

Snow White doing her magic...

My sweet baby with her friends in total "awe" of the show.  Love this pic... 

To keep the children occupied for 2 minutes, they decorated frames with princess stickers. ;)

I love how Olivia's stickers are upside down, sideways, but whatever...she thought it was beautiful!

The royal craft table.

The dining table.  Each place setting had a fancy princess crown sitting on a pillow.


OH MY GOODNESS, that was A LOT of pictures!!! I don't know about you but I'm cross eyed after looking at all that pink and purple!!  

Happy Birthday sweet Olivia!!  
You are the LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!  I thank God every day I get to kiss you good morning and then kiss you goodnight.  You are ONE OF the best things that ever happend to me.  :)