Monday, July 26, 2010

I put all the names in a hat...

and the winner is....FawnKreations!! The pink and black polka dot cupcake stand is yours. :) Send me your address whenever you get a second and I'll send it your way. By the way, y'all should check out her blog (HERE) if you get a chance! Really cute stuff.

Thank you all for your kind comments. I really do appreciate them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you all have a happy Monday!


  1. congrats fawnkreations! this just means I will have to go find some stuff and attempt my own!
    Isnt it your Bday today Kate?? Happy happy! enjoy the rest of your 20's (you will looove your 30's!!)
    Jenn Post

  2. OMG!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! July B-days are the best! =)I can't believe I won!! Thanks soooo soooo much!! I can't wait to get it. I will send you my addy!! Thanks again!!

  3. I just got it today! It is even cuter in person!! Thanks again Kate! =)
