Sunday, February 6, 2011


My husband is a HUGE Steelers fan (which I guess makes me one too) and tonight we're throwing a little Super Bowl Party with some of our neighborhood friends. My original plan for the party was to have half Steelers colors/decor and half Packers colors/decor and thank God I shared my plan with hubby ahead of time b/c he was appalled that I would include Packers decor in his home! ;) He basically forbid me from coming up with any Packers desserts or decor of any sort. So apparently this party is not really a Super Bowl party, but more a "Celebrating that the Steelers are in the Super Bowl AGAIN" party. ;)

I don't care who wins, (looking around nervously to make sure hubby didn't hear me say that!) but I'm certainly excited about getting together with friends tonight. :)

There are going to be a few kids coming tonight so I wanted a way to get them excited about the game (and recruit them as Pittsburg fans). ;) So I set up a Steelers treat table complete with cupcakes, football juice boxes, cookies and Lil' Steeler fan kits. :)
Juice boxes for the kids...had to cover them in card stock to make them more "football-ish". Gotta theme it out folks! (and yes, of course, its totally neurotic, but thats me!!)
Little football cookies! I'm pretty proud of these b/c this was my first time decorating cookies with royal icing. I love how they turned out and I had a lot of fun with them. Definitely want more reasons to practice!! (as if I don't already have enough on my plate!!)

I made this cupcake stand using a shoe box and another tall box I had around the house. Covered the bottom in green wrapping paper and added ribbon for yard lines...

Definitely blinged out in Steeler colors!!!!
These little football toppers are cake balls. Yummo!

The Lil' Steelers Fan Kits include a mini clapper to cheer on Pittsburgh, a whistle to annoy all the adults, a penalty flag to throw for any of the Packers' infractions, some M&Ms, and a Super Bowl Championship ring...

Go Team!!!!!


  1. Oh this is the best! I love how you fully commit to your themes! It's so cute!

  2. Hi! Just found you through Maddycakes Muse! You have some amazing parties and ideas! Kerri

  3. A football birthday party is such a great idea! This post has a lot of awesome ideas that I definitely have to try.

  4. I love the STEELERS theme, beautiful ideas.

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