Sunday, May 15, 2011

My BIG break!!!

Its been a very busy couple of weeks for me around here! Parties, a trip to Disney, lots of sweet treats, cakes and even instructing cooking classes.

Thats right, cooking classes! :) I'm so excited to share my experience with y'all!!!

This past week I taught my first cake class. :) :) It was at a local gathering for a number of very influential people in the community (14 to be exact) who are considering baking as a future career path...I was a little nervous as this was my first real gig teaching an audience how to decorate a cake, but it all went over pretty well. Turns out they loved me! And I even think I may have swayed a few to join the "Keep calm and bake on" career path!!!

Take a look!!

OK, OK...So the class was for a bunch of four and five year olds, but an audience is an audience, right?!!?! ;)

And they were a great one!! They listened well, were very behaved and seemed REALLY interested in what I was doing. (And I'm almost certain it had nothing to do with the fact that they were being bribed with ice cream cone cupcakes) Actually, now that I think about it....hmmmm?

Anyway, it was career day at Bailey's school and Mrs Tiffany asked if any parents would like to come in and demonstrate what they do in their jobs. OF COURSE!! I love to see my baby at school with all her sweet friends so I was all over this opportunity.

I brought in my bags of supplies and taught the kiddos how to make an ice cream themed cake. :)

My husband has been teasing me all day about the teeny tiny table I was sitting at!! LOL I look about as goofy as they come! :)

Aren't they SO cute looking on!? You gotta love preschoolers!!!!!

Once I was at a stopping point with my cake it was time to get the kids decorating! They were each given an unfrosted cupcake baked in an ice cream cone, icing, sprinkles, and a fondant cherry to top off their cupcake. They all did great and showed off their superior decorating skills! (alittle intimidating for me in fact...stay in school kids, I don't want the competition!)

My little Bailey girl hard at work...

Take a look at this one...step aside DC Cupcakes...Griffin's in the HOUSE!!

The kids were asked to come to school dressed up as what they want to be when they grow up. Guess what my Bailey wants to be?!!?!?!!?
I'm so proud that my sweet girl wants to be just like me!

And WOW. She's gonna sell a lot of cakes with that face.

Get those kids in the kitchen y'all!!!


  1. So funny!! You had me going! Thanks so much for coming in! ~Tiffany

  2. LOVE THIS!! Looks like you had a great time! Bailey is so damn adorable!

  3. I love this post! It was so funny and I could totally relate with you! I demonstrated pancake art in my son's classroom this year and I was pretty nervous too! I'm not sure I convinced any of them to go towards a culinary path though but I think your convincing was probably more successful than mine was! Hee! Hee!


  4. Lemriel LogannLondonsmom1*February 27, 2013 at 10:11 PM

    Lol Bailey wants to be just like you when she grows up hell can you blame her, so do i lol
