Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tie Shirt is DAD APPROVED!!!

Little update on the tie shirt...its a success!! We were at the lake this weekend with my parents and were packing up to go home this morning. Brian had just stepped out of the shower when he said "Ya know, I don't have a clean shirt to wear home!"

Perfect! "Hold on a second," I said. "I might have something for you!" ;)

I had Bailey and Olivia bring it to him and he loved it!

And yes, we're all wearing them today. What a good sport my sweet husband is! The girls are so lucky to have a daddy thats so easy going and fun. :)

Here we are, all dressed in out shirts for the day.

What a handsome daddy!!!!!!

BIG kisses for Dad! :)

Happy Father's Day!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'm not sure who that guy is you are married to, but he sure looks a like a dork! Ha Ha.

    Love ya, bro. Happy Fathers Day! All my best to my little friends Livvy and B! I miss you guys and I hope to see you again soon! I hope to come back to Atlanta soon to give Brian another piggy back ride around the yard!

    Take care, Kate. You're awesome.


  2. Awesome job, Kate! I'm so glad your husband appreciates your talents and humor, too. Looks like you've got a keeper!

  3. We all knew he'd love it! Adorable family pics here, too!

  4. Love the shirt Kate! and such a beautiful family!! :)

  5. too cute! I am glad your husband has a great sense of humor!
