Saturday, June 16, 2012

Girlly Owl First Birthday

Is the coast clear??? **looks to her left and right**  OK, I'm coming up for air!!! (and a second to chat)

Let me just start off by saying WWSHEW!!!  I have been B-U-S-Y!!! The first few weeks of summer have been nothing but chaos around here. We had a big move the first week in June and when I say big, I mean we moved "like" ALL our stuff out of one house and right back into a new one! ;) What a nightmare huh?!?! ;) lol  It might sound easy enough, but its not (especially when you have as much stuff junk as I do!!). 
Then of course I had to spend the next couple of weeks DECORATING my beautiful new abode (whoop whoop!!!).  That was the fun part!  (except when my angelic daughters who are out of school for summer would interrupt me every 2 minutes for a sippy, more food, "Moooooommy, Livie's hitting me and pinching me", someone can't find their shoes, "I need you to wipe my bottom" (atleast she is potty trained!), etc etc

Such is really is wonderful.  :)

Anyway, it was a process...a long, annoying one that I never want to do again, but we're home now.  Settled (junk and all).  Happy.  And baking again. 

So, enough of my long boring moving vent and on to pictures of this cute owl cake I recently created for a sweet little girl turning ONE!  Her mama sent me a picture of the printables she was using (pictured above) and wanted the cake to match.  Don't you just LOVE an owl theme!!  One of my favorites for sure. :))

And a cute little owl smash cake for the birthday girl to tear into! :)


  1. SOOOOOOOO cute! Love the owls theme

  2. These are adorable! And you certainly deserve the cutest cake after that move and everything else!

  3. Hello! I just found this post through pinterest. I am doing an owl-themed birthday for my little boy in a couple of weeks. I was wondering if you could tell me how you did the smash cake. I would just change the colors to aqua. I've been nervous about doing an owl cake because all the ones I've seen look really hard, but this one doesn't look too bad. I'd be so appreciative if you could tell me how you did it! My email is if that would be easier. Thanks!
