Today we celebrated my sweet sweet Bailey's SWEET 6th birthday with a Candy Shoppe Celebration at All Around Gymnastics!!! What a FUNNNNN party!!!! Entertaining, colorful, happy and best of all...NOT AT MY HOUSE!!!! lol This is the FIRST party I have done outside of my home and I must say, it was niiiice. Messy children eating chocolate cake....pssssh, no big deal for this mama! ;) White carpets were no where in site!!!
Ok, I have a billion gazillion photos so grab a snack. Get comfy...turn on that vibrating back massage chair of yours (you know you have one). Anything to keep you here with me! ;)
Cute containers huh!?! I found these on clearance at Michaels for 50 cents a piece! I just love the itty bitty scoop. ;)
Easiest cookies EVER!!! I'm not so good with royal icing so I used marshmallow fondant and buttercream to decorate.
When it came time for those kids to fill their candy containers...OMG!!! VULTURES!!! LOL This picture speaks for itself...3 kids all trying to get into the same candy jar. ;) HURRY!!! Theres only 300 more jelly beans left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After all the gymnastics festivities were done we came into the party room to eat cake and do a little craft (decorate a frame). 
I found these fun straw cups at Party City and loved how colorful they were. I wrapped some cellophane around them and VOILA, their little candy cups!!!
This should make all you dentists happy....wrapped up in every napkin/fork set was a toothbrush to remind all the little ladies to take good care of those teeth after all this sweet fun!! (hopefully this little move helped me score a few brownie points with the mamas after all this sugar!) ;)
For party hats I made little dessert headbands (ice cream cones, cupcakes, and donuts).
Bailey girl with her ice cream cone headband...
Livie with a donut and Taylor with a cupcake...
The girls were given some popcorn to snack on while they crafted their frames...I used Amanda's Treat Box tutorial for the popcorn container. Transforming dollar store treat boxes into totally cute matching containers. LOVE this clever idea!! You MUST check out her tutorial for this one!!!!!
A couple frames being worked on...this was such an easy (non messy) craft to keep the kiddos busy.
ok, and now I'm tired.
After a week of waking up way tooo early and going to bed way too late, I think it might be time for this lady to sleep!!!!!
Happy 6th birthday sweet Bailey girl. Mommy loves you more than you will ever know!