I need to give a GREAT BIG HUMONGOUS shout out, thank you to my sweet mama for making the girls these ADORABLY adorable shirts for the girls to wear. Mom recently got a new embroidery machine and she has been busy sewing ever since! How lucky am I to have such a handy mama!?!?! I love how they're all matching, but each one is has its own little uniqueness too.
We started out the playdate with a lunch of reindeer pb&js, mac n cheese, pretzels, and juice. :)
And everyone knows, if you eat your lunch you get dessert! Today it was reindeer chocolate covered Oreos.
After lunch it was time to start decorating gingerbread houses.
My girls LOVED the marshmallow "snow".
A BIG thank you to Ashley (Caroline's older sister) who came over to help me with Olivia. Liv is IN LOVE with Ashley so it really helped to have her there to entertain (and assist) my little one while I entertained the other 6 girls. :)
After the gingerbread houses the girls made a baby Jesus in the manger ornament.
After the ornament I let the girls run wild for a while. 5 year olds have a good way of finding their own fun so I let them go for it. (so much for a clean/organized playroom after about 10 minutes of free play) ;)
To wrap things up I sat the girls down to the table to play a little game of Jack Frost's Not Lost. SO FUN! I found this FREE download here via How Does She. This game really is a lot of fun and a MUST for all those with little ones!!! I also made some little snowman containers (using almond tins) for the girls to put their candy from the game in.

Before all the mommies came to pick up their girls I gathered them together to snap a few pics. Tonight as I tucked Bailey in I asked her what her favorite part of the party was. She thought for a moment then said, "all of it was my favorite, except the picture taking". lol Oh well...at least she is honest. :) I'll take that into consideration for the next party.