The smell of school bus emissions, mystery meat from the cafeteria, and backpacks is in the air.
It can only mean one thing...its back to school time!!!
My sweet Bailey girl started Kindergarten in August and I'm just now adjusting to all my free time. :) Having her in school all day is definitely bittersweet. I miss my sweet girl and can't believe how long she is gone everyday, but its really nice having two hours of complete quiet time when my little Tasmanian devil (Olivia) naps.
Check out this picture of my BIG girl getting on the school bus to go away to college, I mean Kindergarten.

This was the second day of school. Don't even get me started on the first day of school. Lets just say it did not go as smoothly as the second...both of us were a mess...a complete mess and we have a great story for the scrapbook! But we learned that Kindergarten is not the end of the world and actually, we've both learned to love it. Bailey said she'd stay there longer everyday if she could!
Hey, wait a minute...should I take offense to that?!?!
And off she goes...
I decided to take the week off from cakes for Labor Day and I'm not quite sure what to do with myself and all the free time! Sooo, today I got to work creating a little back to school teacher gift for Bailey's wonderful teacher Mrs Phillips.
She expressed a need for disinfectant wipes so today Livie and I went shopping together while B was studying hard in Kindergarten and got this big jumbo pack of wipes.
I put Livie to bed for a nap and had nothing to do.
Sure there's the laundry, dishwasher to be unloaded and then reloaded, laundry, bed still isn't made, laundry, Charlie (the dog) needs a bath, laundry, weeds to be pulled, laundry, workout, dinner isn't made, laundry...(I guess the list is long if you write it all down), but I was bored and "had nothing to do" so I decorated the wipes container. ;)
(Don't be like me. This is an excellent example of having your priorities a little mixed up)
With just one piece of scrapbook paper and a cute little wooden monkey (50 cents at Hobby Lobby) I created something sooo much more fun for Mrs Phillips! I mean, if you're gonna have to clean up after 22 Kindergarten monkeys you may as well do it in style! :)
Little update...
When Bailey came home from school I showed her the "present" I made for Mrs Phillips. She was very very excited, but clearly stated that she had two teachers and we had to make one for Mrs Willbanks (the assistant teacher) as well. ;)
She's right.....and again, since I have nothing else to do except dilly dally (and had all the supplies to make another one), I made another one.
LEARN LOTS KIDS! The future of the WORLD depends on you!!! :)
(no pressure)
Ha ha ha ha soooo cute!
ReplyDeleteThat is exactly how my list looks when I have nothing to do! You are the most clever woman I (digitally) know. Keep up the good posts. I got my son's teacher's Christmas gift idea from you last year, and I hope I get ideas for years to come.
ReplyDeleteI listed you as on of my Blog FAVES today on Kelly's Korner's linkup!
ReplyDeleteJust thought you'd like to know! :)